18 research outputs found

    The influence of gender and ethnicity on young adults’ participation in financial education programme

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    A major problem encountered by educationalists, community leaders and policy makers is to transfer financial literacy and consumer education successfully to their community. Delivering of financial education for youth of a country is one possible intervention to improve the financial capabilities of a population. Therefore, for an effective training we have to identify their financial needs. Further they need guidance and access for financial knowledge and money management tools. Therefore, the objectives of this study are to identify the training needs of youth by gender and ethnicity about money management and to determine their interest towards it. The sample was comprised of 220 secondary school students from five schools in Greater Klang Valley/Kuala Lumpur with 112 females and 108 males and the data collection was done using self-administered questionnaire. The results shown that about one third of female youths have preferred to participate on financial literacy programs than male youths (21.5%). In addition, most of the Malay respondents said that they need more information to take efficient decisions on saving, borrowing and insurance, followed by Indians (64%) and Chinese (61.5%). The findings of this study would be used to the development of financial empowerment program of youth in Malaysia in order to enhance their financial literacy

    Determinants that influence green product purchase intention and behavior: a literature review and guiding framework

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    Environmental deterioration brought about by consumers’ non-feasible utilization pattern is putting a pressure on the environment and is obstructing sustainable development. To hinder this impact and stimulate a more sustainable economic growth, one solution is to lessen or move utilization patterns from conventional products to eco-friendly products. The authors conducted a review study of green purchase behavioral research across the 6-year period from 2015 to 2021, identifying 108 studies that met our inclusion criteria. The current review distinguishes different pervasive facilitators, motives, and obstacles influencing consumers’ decision-making process towards environmentally friendly products, and it gives potential clarifications for contradictions found in green purchase behavior (GPB). The paper reveals the main determinants of consumer’s GPB, and as a result of the review, 212 variables that affect green purchase intention (GPI) were identified. Moreover, 135 determinants that influence GPB were recorded. In this way, besides contributing to the literature, it will assist policymakers in formulating and employing strategies to persuade eco-friendly purchasing, and it will give an opportunity for marketers to generate proper marketing strategies for drawing in clients and guaranteeing ideal sales

    The mediation effect of intention in the pro-environmental workplace (PEW) behavior of Malaysian public employees

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    During the past few years, many studies associated with sustainability of the organizations have primarily analyzed the financial and performance related implications of sustainability of an organization, and perception of these practices by neglecting the role of the employees who might play a vital role through taking part in pro-environmental behavior in the workstation. Thus, this study focuses on the individual’s pro-environmental workplace (PEW) intention to determine its mediating effect between the factors in the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and the PEW behavior context among public workers in Malaysia. Random sampling on a list of ministries situated in Federal Territory of Putrajaya was used in the first stage followed by systematic sampling based on officer’s list of the directory in those ministries. Cleaned data resulted in 460 questionnaires gathered on demographic characteristics, PEW intention, attitude towards environmental practice in the workplace, subjective norms, perceived environmental workplace control, and PEW behavior of public sector context in Malaysia. The results reveal significant influences of PEW subjective norms, and perceived PEW control on the PEW behavior. While a series of regression analyses show that the PEW intention mediated only the two relationships between PEW subjective norms, and perceived PEW control on PEW behavior

    The impact of Smart Money Kit on children’s financial knowledge, attitude and behavior / Mohamad Fazli Sabri... [et al]

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    Financial management is one of the vital requirements throughout everyday life, as one develops, the utilization of financial management recurrence would be extraordinarily expanded. Since, financial thinking could be developed, expanding the propensity for financial management and understanding financial-related awareness at a early age greatly affect encouraging future financial behavior. Hence, in this research the research group incorporated gamification and edutainment in to a tool called Smart Money Kit. The objective behind the inovation of Smart Money Kit is as an alternative financial education tool for parents, teachers and other adults to assist in educating children in personal financial management. The results demonstrated that the Smart Money Kit to be helpful regarding the enhancement of financial knowledge by 59%, positive financial attitudes by 21.9%, and better financial behaviour by 19.3% of the children. Therefore, the majority of the parents, teachers and caretakers agree that Smart Money Kit has guided their children to become financially prudent and 90% of them evidenced a huge difference in their children after being exposed to Smart Money Kit. Hence this kit has been proved to be an effective tool to educate children on financial literacy besides able to develop a positive financial attitudes and better financial behaviour among the children

    Financial management, savings and investment behavior and financial well-being of working women in the public sector

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    Women have made an amazing progress personally, financially, and professionally however, with regards to the field of finance, an extensive effort to be done to become well performers comparing to the men. Therefore, women must begin understanding, and thinking the significance of money, savings, and its investment perspectives to overcome critical circumstances at any phase of their lives. Therefore, the major objective of this research is to investigate the relationships among financial management, savings and investment behavior, and financial well-being (FWB) of working women in the public sector in Malaysia. A sum of 722 respondents were selected using the multi-stage random sampling method in Malaysia. According to the financial status of working women, 39.2% felt that their assets were more than their debt, and 44.3% was said that their salary was sufficient to meet only their basic requirements. Furthermore, more than 80% of the respondents were followed good financial management practices such as, keeping updated records of the expenses, planning the expenses, doing investments monthly, keeping the loan payment on schedule, settling all the bills on time, and maintaining a savings account. Moreover, it also showed that Malaysian working women have good financial management practices which are indicated by their abilities in performing the savings and investment behaviors to manage their surplus money wisely in order to achieve higher FWB levels. Further, this study was detected some specific financial challenges that Malaysian public sector working women meet over their lifetime, and offered possible solutions for the present and future

    Financial factors as antecedents of economic well-being and mediation effect of technology adoption

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    Due to the limited number of previous studies and their existing inconsistencies on the identification of related financial antecedents of individual economic well-being, this study examined the effect of the financial antecedents, such as financial knowledge, financial behavior, and money attitudes on both technology adoption and economic well-being in order to address the existing gaps in the literature. Moreover, according to the authors' best knowledge, the mediating role of agricultural technology adoption was investigated the first time between financial antecedents and economic well-being. A survey of 416 Sri Lankan coconut growers was undertaken using a multi-stage random sampling procedure. All direct associations between financial knowledge, financial behavior, money attitudes, and economic wellbeing were significant with the PLS-SEM analyses. They all explained 91.1% of the overall variance in economic well-being. Moreover, the mediating role of agricultural technology adoption was also found significant for all relationships between financial antecedents and economic well-being. The mediating model was also clarified 2.2% of the additional variance in economic well-being. Further, three financial antecedents were also detected as positive antecedents of agricultural technology adoption and explained 80% of the variance in technology adoption. Hence, the present study results are important to broaden the understanding of the effect of financial antecedents on agricultural technology adoption and economic well-being to address the existing gaps in the literature. Furthermore, it guides policymakers in future policy implications to facilitate well-being by properly comprehending financial-related antecedents among individuals, especially in developing countries, to reduce their poverty through agricultural technology adoption

    Determinants of pet owner's loyalty using modified SERVQUAL

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    The objective of the current study is to explore the factors affecting customer loyalty towards service quality at veterinary clinics in Kuala Lumpur. As veterinary clinic engaged with service businesses, it is fundamental to focus on the client’s perception of their service. A modified version of SERVQUAL was used to assess the service quality of the veterinary clinics. The total number of 200 respondents conveniently selected in this study, and the pre-tested questionnaires which contains five segments; demographic profile of the respondent, the expectations and perceptions of clients about the service quality of the veterinary clinic, client satisfaction, and loyalty respectively were randomly circulated. The service quality dimensions investigated in the research were tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, accessible, animal welfare, and pricing. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS software, and tabulated as descriptive, correlation, and regression analysis. All the dimensions which were used are significantly correlated with each other. The service quality dimensions; tangible, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, accessible, animal welfare were the key antecedents of the customer loyalty. Thus, in order to maintain competitive in business, the veterinary clinics should improve their quality of service with the aim of attract new customers, and maintain the business as profitable manner

    The influence of financial socialization, financial behavior, locus of control and financial stress on young adults' financial vulnerability

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    The degree of Malaysian household debt remains high, at present among the highest in Asia, raising concerns about its sustainability. Based on that existing issue and results of the several studies the question is arisen regarding what needs to be done to address the high levels of financial vulnerability experienced by the Malaysians, especially the young adults. Therefore, major objective of the current study was to examine the major determinants that affect financial vulnerability, and allow policymakers to address the above issue. A multi stage random sampling method was performed to draw a representative sample of Malaysian young adults, and 651 duly filled responses were received through the self-administered questionnaire. As stated by the multiple regression results, 53.1% of the total variance of financial vulnerability was explained by the model. Determinants of financial vulnerability examined by this study comprise financial socialization, financial behavior, locus of control, and financial stress; all of them were significantly related with the financial vulnerability and except financial stress, all other three determinants were shown negative relationships. Therefore, current study has both the theoretical and practical contributions, and offers experts with actionable insights regarding the determinants of young adults’ financial vulnerability when designing policies to prevent them from moving from a state of lower to higher financial vulnerability overtime

    The influence of financial knowledge, financial socialization, financial behaviour and financial strain on young adults' financial well-being

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    Financial well-being refers to one’s overall satisfaction with their current financial condition, and it plays a significant part in young adults’ overall success as well as their ability to overcome psychological health concerns. It has become a crucial concern for individuals, households, societies, and countries in recent years, yet research on the subject is sparse and dispersed among fields. As a result, the current research assessed an empirical financial wellbeing model based on Malaysian young adults’ financial knowledge, financial socialization, financial behavior and financial strain. A multi stage random sampling method was performed to draw a representative sample of Malaysian young adults, and 651 duly filled responses were received through the self-administered questionnaire. As stated by the multiple regression results, 16.1% of the total variance of financial well-being was clarified by the model. All four financial well-being determinants examined (financial knowledge, financial socialization, financial behavior, financial strain) were revealed significant, and only financial strain had a negative relationship with financial well-being. Therefore, current study has both the theoretical and practical contributions, and offers experts with actionable insights regarding the determinants of young adults’ financial well-being when designing policies to uplift their financial well-being over time

    Determinants of economic well-being among Sri Lankan coconut growers and the role of technology adoption

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    Economic well-being level of Sri Lankan coconut growers’ is still low due to lower level of income, and leads to greater financial vulnerabilities. Hence, Ministry of Plantation is establishing national programs to increase the economic well-being of Sri Lankan coconut growers which refers to an economic status that has sustainably adequate economic resources to live a comfortable life. However, the concept of economic wellbeing is still in its infancy, with only a few models established for the developing countries. Therefore, it is identified as a goal of public policy, and argued that governments should use measures of economic well-being rather than of economic activity to assess national progress and formulate policies accordingly. Therefore, identification of the determinants of economic well-being is the prerequisite to get the appropriate decisions. Hence the major objective of the current study is to examine the major determinants of economic well-being of the coconut growers in Sri Lanka. Further, it examined the mediation effect of technology adoption on the relationship between the economic well-being determinants and economic well-being, and moderation effect of age on the relationship between technology adoption and economic well-being. The theoretical framework was developed based on the reasoned linkages between the variables and the theoretical foundations of the Family Resource Management Theory, Theory of Planned Behavior, and Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology. A cross-sectional survey method using questionnaire form was conducted in the selected areas in Sri Lanka, and a sample of 416 respondents at the Coconut Triangle was initially selected using the multi-stage random sampling method. The data collected were analyzed descriptively and inferentially using SPSS and Smart- PLS software. The basic analyzes such as, descriptive analyzes were performed by using SPSS, while the inferential analyzes for instance, path coefficient analyzes, mediation analyzes, and moderation analysis were carried out by PLS-SEM. The results discovered that there were significant relationships between nine determinants (financial knowledge, financial behavior, money attitude, family members, growers’ educational qualifications, growers’ years of experience, willingness to change, effort expectancy, and technology adoption) and economic well-being. The 93.5% variance of economic well-being was explained by the significant determinants of the model. Moreover, the effects of the above determinants on the variable; technology adoption were also examined. Based on the results seven determinants; financial knowledge, subjective norms (i.e. family members, peer growers, and Coconut Development Officers), willingness to change, performance expectancy, subsidies/loans were detected to have a significant positive effects on growers’ agricultural technology adoption, and 94% of the variance of technology adoption was clarified. Furthermore, the technology adoption mediated the relationships between eight economic well-being determinants, such as, financial knowledge, money attitude, family members, peer growers, Coconut Development Officers, willingness to change, performance expectancy, subsidies/loans, and economic well-being. As for the moderator of age, the result displayed a nonmoderated effect with regards the technology adoption and economic well-being relationship. Moreover, a significantly higher (p<0.01) economic well-being was found for technology adopted coconut growers than non-technology adopted coconut growers. This study has contributed to the existing body of knowledge by providing support for the importance of the economic well-being determinants towards the economic wellbeing, based on theoretical reasoning and empirical findings. Further, understanding the paths that lead to better individual economic well-being has the potential to aid in successful policymaking and curriculum design to assist individuals’ efforts to achieve greater economic well-being